Meet Betty.

Betty is 83 and lives alone. Her four children are very supportive, but they don’t live nearby. They were worried about her safety and well-being because she has several physical health conditions. She has a pendant alarm and has a home visit from a carer once a day.

“What a good job it is that we got this system in place, as without it she would have been on the floor until the carer came in the morning. Doesn’t bear thinking about.”


Immediate feedback

Canary Care’s “Remained too long” rule proved to be a massive benefit for Betty and her family. She had left the bedroom and gone to the bathroom at about 11:00pm, but because she didn't go back to the bedroom within a short period her son received a text that Betty had remained too long in the bathroom.

Immediate action

Betty had not taken her alarm with her, so had not pressed the button. She had fallen and was lying in the bathroom, but thankfully was uninjured.

Betty’s son was able to react quickly and help his mother back to bed within a short time. Without the text, the carers would have found her much later the next day, after a long wait on the floor and potentially more serious consequences.


Walter's Story


Thelma's Story