Meet Melanie’s mum.

Melanie's mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia and the family wanted a non-intrusive way to get peace of mind about her well-being.

“I would highly recommend Canary Care. It's a great way to have peace of mind about a loved one whilst maintaining their dignity.”



“It's one of the easiest things to install, even for someone like me that doesn't do instructions.”


“One of the really great things about Canary Care is that you can set up rules. We have rules to tell us if the temperature in mum's house falls below a certain level, or if she's up in the night, or if she doesn't get up in the morning. You can also set up a Calling Circle of people who get notified if any of the rules are triggered, so my sister gets notifications as well as me.”

Peace of mind

“We can log in to the Canary Care portal and see what mum has been doing. This gave us an insight into the fact that mum wasn't eating in the evening and as a result of that we've been able to get her some care and help.”


Thelma's Story